The lower extremity of our body especially the hip joint and foot & ankle joint are more prone to orthopedic injuries like a fracture. This is because the lower extremity bears most of our body’s weight and hence, injuries are likely in that region.
In this post, our focus is not the fractures, but it is to tell you how to be non-weight bearing after surgery in foot & ankle. Besides this, the post will also talk about the importance of doing so.
Fractures are common and many times they require surgery for the treatment. This generally occurs when the fracture is serious or non-surgical ways fail to provide relief.
When it comes to surgery, it often involves the application of orthopedic implants and instruments that are bought from reliable and experienced Orthopedic Device Manufacturers. So, it is important to follow some restrictions and guidelines for improved recovery and eliminate the chances of post-surgical complications.
Why it is Important to be Non-weight bearing After Foot & Ankle Surgery?
Orthopedic surgeries often require the application of trauma implants based on the severity and location of the injury. Being foreign materials, implants require some time to get acquainted with the internal body structures and form solid placement.
Now, if someone puts unnecessary weight during the recovery period after surgery, there are chances of displacement of the implant from its position or breakage of implants. Besides this, the implant might also damage the surrounding structures along with the operated bone. When such a situation occurs, the complications could be more serious, and re-surgery may be required.
Thus, it is important to avoid applying weight on the operated area after orthopedic surgery and minimize the use until approved by the expert.
How to be non-Weightbearing?
First of all, it is advised to walk around only if it is necessary after foot and ankle surgery.
Now, there are certain assistive devices that can be used to walk around depending upon the severity of the injury. Let us see what these devices are:
Crutches are the most commonly used assistive devices by people after foot & ankle surgery to keep foot off the ground while walking. They are made of wood or metal and are used by fitting them under the armpits to walk around by putting weight off the operated foot. These types of crutches are known as axillary crutches. People can also use standard walkers if they are not comfortable with crutches.
Knee Scooter
Though not commonly used, knee scooters or knee walkers are designed to have a kneepad and wheels. Hence, the patient can comfortably place the knee of the operated leg and walk around easily without having to keep the operated leg in the air.
Seated Scooter
Now, a seated scooter is the most comfortable out of all. Here, the patient can walk around in a seated position either by scrolling manually or by giving the race if the scooter is motorized. Seated scooters are best for people who cannot walk with crutches or are not comfortable with them.
For the content source, contact Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd., an experienced and one of the oldest orthopedic device manufacturers in India. With the experience of over 30 years, the company specializes in producing a wide range of implants that are also exported to clients based in other countries. Siora currently serves around 130 national and international distributors, and to increase these numbers, the company is looking forward to becoming one of the best Orthopaedic Implants Manufacturers in Germany for supplying world-class quality trauma implants.
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