A fracture is a medical term for a broken bone. We know that when a fracture occurs, a bone breaks but, this is not the only case. This is because a bone is surrounded by a network of soft and connective tissues including muscles, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. Thus, a fracture also involves injury to these structures. Hence, it won’t be wrong to say that a fracture is a complex issue that must be addressed timely by an orthopedic specialist. As you never know what a broken bone is accompanied by. So, for better healing, a timely medical assessment is a must. Let us now see what happens when a broken bone heals.
How does the Healing of a Fracture Occur?
Now, as we’ve said above that the body always has a natural response to injuries. So, when a fracture occurs, the body forms a blood clot and callus around the fractured area to protect it. The healing of a fracture takes place in stages, and they are classified as primary healing and secondary healing...Read More
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