Hip Dislocation - An Expert Guide

Our hip joint is among the biggest joints in our body that plays an important role in various body movements. When it comes to the hip joint, it assists in many lower body movements. A strong and healthy hip joint is necessary to perform routine activities without any trouble. Well, in this post, we will talk about what happens when a hip dislocates along with its types and symptoms. Let us start with a brief introduction to the hip joint.

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Anatomy of Hip Joint

The hip joint is a type of ball and socket joint that helps us move trouble-free. This joint is made of two bones namely the pelvis and femur. Here, the pelvic acetabulum serves as the socket, and the femoral head serves as the ball. This is why the joint is called a ball and socket joint.

Now, when it comes to hip dislocation, the severity depends on the cause. Let us now see hip dislocation. 
