A Quick Guide to the Types of Pediatric Fractures

Pediatric fractures are a common occurrence and can be caused by a variety of factors, including sports injuries, falls, and accidents. Children's bones are more flexible than adult bones, but they are also more vulnerable to fracture due to the presence of growth plates, which are areas of the bone that are still developing. 
Orthopaedic Implants may also be required for the treatment of some severe fractures. In this article, we will explore the different types of pediatric fractures and their treatment options.

Different Types of Pediatric Fractures

Greenstick Fractures

Greenstick fractures are one of the most common types of fractures in children. These fractures occur when the bone cracks on one side but remains intact on the other, similar to how a green stick breaks. Greenstick fractures are most common in the forearm and can occur in both the ulna and radius bones. Treatment typically involves immobilization of the affected limb with a cast or splint until the bone heals.

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